Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Kurulu Pihatu

Saw "Kurulu Pihatu" ("Bird Feather's") at the Regal y'day. Pretty Bad. Even Jackson Anthony was contrived and played a very "Kopi Kade" (Shallow Sri Lankan teledrama) drunkard. The script didn't give him much of a chance, anyways. The main character, a child who is abandoned by both parents (apparently Jackson Anthony's son, in real life) could probably be a good actor but was trapped in a long suffering Oliver-like role which makes him almost as annoying as Harry Potter (ok, mebbe a little less). Although objectively pretty bad, the film made me angry again about poverty, and the way families tick.

The Regal itself was probably a grand old place, and now looks run-down (Like Colombo Fort in general). Had a feeling of history, sort of like the feeling you get when on stage at the Lionel Wendt.

1 comment:

modakella said...

I once watched "The Joy of Childbirth" at the Ruby. Talk about a sense of history - if you didnt watch where you put your elbows, it came off the seats and got all over you...