Friday, May 16, 2008

MIA, Baile Funk and HIV

I've listened to a lot of M.I.A. Argued about her writing with friends, ref to her randomly in my own writing. Love how she's eclectic and fearless and borrows from everything. mixes everything up. I've major issues with her lyrics and videos though. But all that'll feature in another post. Reason I mention her today: one of her influences is Baile Funk - music of the shanty towns of Brazil.

Baile Funk and Techno Braga ("Kitsch Techno" - played in the Brazilian state Para) are forms of Brazilian music that are not available in stores - they're distributed exclusively through street vendors. and this is part of a revolution in the way music is made and passed around - involving a radical approach to intellectual property. I heard Ronaldo Lemos talk about this recently. and it got me thinking about how something similar could be done for ARV drugs - HIV medication.

(Out of time. Aaarg. Will post the second half soon)

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