Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Wrote the following comment on "Crash" on the IMDB site, years ago :

Crash was the best film I have seen in a long while. Like "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", this is a film which has Hollywood actors, but still manages to have a great deal of depth. Instead of the black and white, two dimensional nature of most attempts at tackling racism, Haggis does a beautiful job of showing how complex racism and discrimination is, and how misunderstanding causes terrible hurt and waste. The link between fear and racism is explored well. And all this without any tinge of "documentary"ness. Unlike one-sided displays of racism towards one group of people, which usually provoke righteous but shallow indignation, Crash provokes an almost helpless anger at how messed up the world is.

Will add current musings in a bit...


Human Caffeinated said...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was good shit...I would have liked crash much more if it's mise-en-scene was less hollywoody, but then noone would have watched it..Hmmmm...

So how about some comments on fight club ? =)

Human Caffeinated said...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was good shit..I would have liked Crash even more if it's mise-en-scene was less hollywoody..but then noone would have watched it...hmmmm...

So how about some comments on Fight Club ? =)

Atticus said...

Whats a mise-en-scene hmmmmm? Yer, fightclub definitely deserves a mention. I actually identified with the loser in fightclub. worries me :-)

Human Caffeinated said...

mise-en-scene or Mise en scène is something like the "look & feel" of the film... I guess taking up an American film course in Uni has it's perks...

Yeah man.. we're the all dancing all sining crap of the world. All magots in one big rotton world.